What would you guess is the biggest challenge employers have today? Keeping employees? Close, but not exactly. It’s keeping the best employees. You might guess that the best way to keep employees is to offer them the best wages and benefits. That helps, but that’s not all. What’s just as important to employees is working for an employer who cares about them and says so, often. A recent Gallop poll proved that most workers rate having a caring boss even higher than money or fringe benefits.
In fact, in interviews with 2 million employees at 700 companies, Gallup found that the employee tenure and productivity are directly related to the relationship between employees and their immediate supervisor. The number one reason employees quit their jobs is dissatisfaction with their supervisors, not their paychecks.
One of the cheapest and easiest methods to retain the best employees also happens to be one of the most underused and overlooked: Communication. It’s simple.
To improve your relationship with your employees communicate with them more effectively. To help employees feel more valued, give positive feedback and listen.
Communication is especially important right now. Thousands of organizations are going through mergers and restructuring processes. This is a stressful process for employees and employers alike. During times of change and stress, the need to be in tune with employee attitudes and thoughts becomes even more critical. This is why communication is the single most important component of a relationship.
Why is communication so important to employees; because if they feel left out in the dark, their thoughts may start to wonder. Imagination runs rampant and the average person begins to think the worst, for example, “they don’t respect my abilities or contributions. I have failed somehow and they don’t want to tell me. I’ve been replaced. I’m no longer valued. I’ve done something wrong. I am going to look for another job.”
Once negative thoughts begin, and are assumed true, resentment builds and a lack of appreciation is born. The next thing you know one of your very best professionals has joined a competitor and you’re left wondering, “What happened? I didn’t even know she was looking.”Guess what? You should have.
You should know when an employee is unhappy.
It’s your job as the manager to find out how employees are doing, what motivates them, and what drives them nuts. You should have an in-depth knowledge of your employee’s personality, likes/dislikes, strengths/weaknesses, dreams and goals. You should know what is important to them, about their family, their hobbies, what they are passionate about.
Whoever said managers had to treat all employees “alike” to be fair and equitable was living in a world of hopeless mediocrity. You cannot treat people exactly alike-they are individuals and need to be treated as such. That doesn’t mean you should show partiality or favoritism. It means find out what makes Jane Doe tick, what her hot buttons are and act accordingly.
What do employees want?
Well, obviously we don’t all want the same things from our manager. However, there are some universal truths that correlate with just being a human being. The need to be listened to, to feel valued, respected and involved in decisions that affect us.
How do you do that? It takes time, effort and practice, but generally no extra cost. Communication is more than a daily greeting or weekly memo. It’s beyond the blanket e-mail to the world with no request for response. Communication is a two-way street. The listening and response component are every bit as important as your message-if not more.
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